There are two units included in the alternator regulator:
increases, the alternator output increases enough to
(1) Voltage regulator, (2) Field relay. In the following
magnetize the armature of the ADLO relay and open the
procedures, each is considered separately.
normally closed contacts; the solenoid is de-energized
and the starter disengages. As the alternator output
increases further, the reduced-field-voltage contacts of
the regulator are opened and full battery voltage is
Three checks and adjustments are required on the
applied through regulator terminal 3 to the alternator
double contact voltage regulator unit: (1) point opening,
field, and to ground.
(2) air gap, and (3) voltage setting.
As the speed of the alternator increases, the voltage at
1. Point Opening: With the lower contacts touching,
the "BAT" terminal of the alternator also increases. This
measure the point opening between the upper contacts.
impresses a higher voltage through the field relay
Adjust by bending the upper contact arm, being careful
contacts and across the voltage regulator shunt winding.
not to bend the hinge. (Fig. 20)
The increased magnetism created by the higher voltage
across the winding causes the lower contacts to
separate, and field current then flows through a resistor
resulting in reduced field current. This reduced field
current causes the charging voltage to decrease, which
decreases the magnetic pull of the voltage regulator
shunt winding. The spring causes the contacts to close,
and the cycle then repeats many times per second to
limit the charging voltage to a pre-set value. As the
alternator speed increases even further, the resistor
connected across the contacts is not of sufficiently high
value to maintain voltage control on the series contacts.
Therefore the voltage increases slightly causing the
upper or shorting contacts to close. When this happens,
the alternator field winding is shorted and no current
passes through the winding. With no current in the field
winding, the charging voltage decreases. Also, the
magnetism in the shunt winding decreases and the
upper or shorting contact points open. With these points
open, field current flows through the resistor and the
field winding. As the voltage increases, the contacts
close. This cycle then repeats many times per second
to limit the charging voltage to a pre-set value at high
generator speed.
The voltage regulator unit thus
Figure 20.
operates to limit the value of charging voltage
throughout the alternator speed range. Consequently
2. Air Gap: Measure the air gap with a feeler gauge
the electrical accessories are protected from too high
placed between the armature and core when the lower
voltage which would damage them.
contacts are touching. To adjust the air gap, turn the
nylon nut located on the contact support. (Fig. 21)
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