9. Remove the brush holder assembly from the end
frame by detaching the two brush holder assembly
screws. (Fig. 10)
Figure 9.
NOTE: The fit between the stator and
Figure 10.
frame is not tight, and the two can be
separated easily.
Note that the
10. Remove the heat sink by removing the "BAT"
separation is to be made between the
and "GRD" terminals from the end frame, and the screw
stator and drive end frame.
attaching the condenser lead to the heat sink.
3. Tape the slip ring end frame bearing to prevent
the entry of foreign materials. Tape the shaft on the slip
ring end.
1. Clean the drive end frame bearing in solvent.
4. Place the rotor in a soft-jawed vise. Tighten the
2. Inspect the bearing. If it is in satisfactory
vise only enough to enable removal of the shaft nut.
condition, it may be re-used, and should be filled one-
Unscrew the shaft nut. Remove the pulley, fan and
quarter full with proper lubricant before reassembly.
CAUTION: Do not overfill, as this may cause the
5. Separate the drive end frame from the rotor.
bearing to overheat.
6. Remove the diodes only when necessary. To
3. When the slip ring end frame assembly is
remove a diode, support the end frame or heat sink on
separated from the rotor and drive end frame assembly,
an arbor press and push the diode out.
the brushed will fall down onto the shaft and come in
contact with the lubricant. If the brushes are to be re-
CAUTION: Do not strike the diode, as the shock may
used, they must be thoroughly cleaned with a soft dry
cause damage.
cloth. Also, the shaft must be thoroughly cleaned before
7. Remove the drive end bearing retainer and press
the bearing from the drive end.
4. The brush springs should be inspected for any
evidence of damage or corrosion. If there is any doubt
8. Remove the bearing from the slip ring end frame
as to the condition of the brush springs, they should be
only when necessary. To remove the bearing, press out
with a tube or collar that just fits inside the end frame
housing. Press from the outside of the housing towards
the inside.
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