![]() 3-73. Hydraulic Lift Cylinder
a . General. The purpose of the lift cylinder is to
e i t h e r raise or lower the lift mechanism. The lift
cylinders are attached to the boom assembly by
b r a c k e t s ; on each side of the boom, at the end of
the cylinder piston rod, and to the frame at the base
of the cylinder.
h y d r a u l i c lift cylinder.
disassemble hydraulic lift cylinder.
for repacking procedures.
e. Inspection.
(1) Inspect shell assembly for cracks or
(2) Inspect piston for nicks and scratches.
(3) Inspect end nut for cracks or damage.
(4) Inspect rod assembly for nicks and
(5) Remove burrs and scratches with crocus
(6) Replace a defective part.
r e a s s e m b l e hydraulic lift cylinder.
g. Test. R e f e r t o p a r a g r a p h 3 - 6 4 g a n d t e s t t h e
hydraulic cylinder.
t h e hydraulic lift cylinder.
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