![]() valve correspond exactly with those of the
( 3 ) Shift the transmission controls to high
range and forward.
operator's control. This adjustment is made in a
m a n n e r similar to the adjustment of the range
(4) Increase the engine speed to full throttle.
s e l e c t o r linkage ((1)above).
Converter out pressure should be 25 psi minimum.
(3) Inching control linkage, The
control valve is linked to a manual control valve,
Do not allow converter out temperature to exceed
expressly for inching. This valve is the transmission
250 F. Do not maintain full stall condition longer
than 30 seconds.
disconnect control valve. The transmission
disconnect control valve is located under driver's
(5) Use a tachometer and record the engine
floor board. For removal and installation, refer to
speed attain at full throttle operation.
TM 10-3930-243-12. The linkage must be adjusted
(6) The only reading derived from the stall test
t o insure full application and full release. The
is engine speed. The difference between established
inching control valve has a total linear movement of
normal speed and actual speed recorded is
2 . 0 2 inches from full retract (released) to full
significant only if it exceeds 150 rpm.
extension (applied).
3-40. Transmission Main Oil Pressure
(4) Output disconnect linkage. There are two
R e g u l a t i n g Valve
points of adjustment for the rear output disconnect
a. General. The main pressure regulating valve is
o n the transmission. The shifter shaft must be-
located on lower side of transmission secured to the
adjusted first, and then the linkage. Put the shifter
torque converter housing and supplies pressure to
shaft in (rearward) until the engaged detent seats.
the control valve.
A d j u s t the shifter shaft by rotating it until the
center of the linkage connection hole is 0.610 to
remove transmission main oil pressure regulating
0.650 inch from the front surface of the transfer
c a s e . When the shifter shaft is pulled outward
(rearward), the disconnect detent should seat when
disassemble transmission main oil pressure
the center of the shaft hole is approximately 23/8
regulating valve in numerical sequence.
inches from the transfer case surface. Adjust the
d. Cleaning and Inspection,
linkage so that the engaged and disconnect
(1) Clean all parts.
p o s i t i o n s of the operator's control correspond
(2) Clean oil passages by working a piece of
exactly with the detent positions of the shaft.
wire back and forth through passages and flush
with cleaning solvent,
a. General. The converter stall test is a test of the
(3) Inspect bores for wear, grooves, scratches,
e n g i n e and transmission as a unit, wherein the
and dirt. Remove scratches and burs with crocus
transmission output is stalled while the engine is
cloth .
operated at full throttle. This test will indicate, by
(4) Clean and inspect gasket area. Replace a
the speed which the engine reaches, whether the
defective part.
engine a n d transmission a r e p e r f o r m i n g
satisfactory under full load. A lower or higher speed
r e a s s e m b l e the transmission main oil pressure
than that established as normal are indications of
regulating valve.
either engine or transmission malfunction.
b. Procedures.
The main oil pressure regulating valve may be ad-
(1) The test is made while the engine and
justed by adding or removing shims. Each shim will
transmission are installed. The vehicle wheels must
raise or lower pressure approximately 10 psi.
b e blocked securely to prevent movement. The
b r a k e s should be applied except on those in-
reinstall transmission main oil pressure regulating
stallations which include a clutch cutoff valve.
(2) Start the engine and allow the transmission
to warm up to normal operating temperature
(180 to 200 F.).
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