![]() Figure 3-91. Crankshaft fatigue cracks.
(8) Check thrust surfaces for evidence of
oil seal contact
excessive wear or roughness. In many instances
this point.
o n l y slight grinding or "dressing up" of the thrust
surfaces is necesaary. In such cases, use of new
Slight ridges
variation may be removed with crocus cloth, wet with
s t a n d a r d thrust washers will probably hold the end
fuel oil. The crankshaft should be rotated at intervals
t h r u s t clearance within the specified limits of 0.004
to remove ridges from the complete circumference of
to 0.011 inch for new parts or a maximum of 0.018
the shaft without disturbing the concentricity y. Ridges
i n c h with a used crankshaft. otherwise, it may be
which approach 0.0005 inch or greater should first be
necessary to use 0.005 inch oversize rear thrust
cleaned up with 120 grit emery cloth, followed by use
of 240 grit emery cloth for finishing. Crocus cloth,
wet with fuel oil, should then be used for final polish-
( 9 ) Inspect keyways for evidence of cracks or
ing. If excessive wear or grooving is present, and can-
worn condition, and replace shaft if necessary.
not be cleaned up satisfactorily, the oil seal may be
(10) Carefully inspect crankshaft in area of
pressed in the flywheel housing and front cover
f r o n t and rear oil seal contact surface for evidence
approximately 1/8 inch from its original position.
of rough or grooved condition. Any imperfections of
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