![]() NOTE
piston to the crankshaft. The rod is drilled to
Move the piston to the bottom of its travel and place a
provide lubrication to the piston pin at the upper
cloth on top of the piston to collect the cuttings.
end and is equipped with an oil spray nozzle for
cooling the underside of the piston head. The angle
(5) After the ridge is removed, turn the
of the ports in the cylinder liners creates a uniform
crankshaft until the piston is at the top of its stroke
swirling motion to the intake air as it enters the
and carefully remove the cloth with the cuttings.
cylinder. T h i s m o t i o n p e r s i s t s t h r o u g h o u t t h e
(6) After the ridge is removed, turn the
compression stroke and facilitate scavenging and
crankshaft until the piston is at the top of its stroke
and carefully remove the cloth with the cuttings.
b. Removal.
(7) Remove the bearing cap and lower bearing
(1) Drain oil and remove engine oil (para 3-
shell from the lower end of the connecting rod; then
push the piston and rod assembly out through the
( 2 ) Remove the cylinder head (para 3-19).
t o p of the cylinder block. The piston and rod
(3) Remove the carbon from the upper inner
cannot be removed from the bottom of the block.
surface of the cylinder liner.
(8) Reassemble the bearing cap and bearing
(4) If there is a ridge in the cylinder liner at the
top of the piston ring travel, remove the ridge with a
ridge cutter.
c. Disassembly.
and connecting
(1) Refer to figure 3-51 and disassemble piston
KEY to figure 3-51:
Oil control ring expander
1 Nut
Upper half oil control ring
2 Cap
Lower half oil control ring
3 Lower shell
Piston pin retainer
4 Upper shell
Piston pin
5 Bolt
6 Top compression ring
Piston pin bushing
7 Compression ring, grooves 2,
Connecting rod bushing
3 and 4
Connecting rod
8 Upper half oil control ring
Cylinder sleeve
9 Oil control ring expander
10 Lower half oil control ring
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