![]() TM 10-3930-242-34
because by so doing, permanent damage
to the hydraulic pumps will result.
Upon reassembly, use new packing. Torque the
(2) Disconnect the hose located at the left
r o d end nut to the value specified in paragraph
side of the driver's seat.
1-7b (8).
(3) Disconnect the main outlet hose at
h y d r a u l i c side shift cylinder.
s h u t o f f valve located at the right side of the
f. Installation. Install the hydraulic side shift
driver's seat (Army models 200 and 202 only).
( 4 ) Remove the hydraulic oil reservoir (fig.
cylinder (TM 10-3930-242-12).
6-11. Hydraulic Extension Cylinder
b . Disassemble.
a. Removal. Remove the hydraulic extension
(1) Disassemble the hydraulic oil reservoir
cylinder (TM 10-3930-242-12).
a s s e m b l e the hydraulic extension cylinder.
As the result of an engineering change, the hyd-
raulic reservoir on late model rough terrain fork-
l i f t trucks is equipped with filter contamination
The Army model 200 and Army model 222 are of
indicators mounted on top of the reservoir and in
identical construction and have identical compo-
place of the former filter cover plate (16, fig. 6-13).
nents. The cylinder used on the Army model 202
The purpose of the contamination indicator is to
has slightly different components but mainte-
s i g n a l when the main hydraulic oil filter is in
n a n c e procedures are similar. The hydraulic ex-
"by-pass" and is no longer serviceable. On models
tension cylinder for the Army model 202 is illus-
so equipped, see step (2) below.
trated in TM 10-3930-242-34P/2.
(2) On a model that is equipped with a con-
c. Cleaning and Inspection.
t a m i n a t i o n indicator, remove and disassemble
(1) Clean all metal parts thoroughly, using
the indicator (fig. 6-14).
solvent P-D-680, or equal. Dry all parts
c. Cleaning and Inspection.
(2) Inspect the parts for wear, scored areas,
(1) Clean
s c r a t c h e s . nicks. and burrs.
thoroughly, using solvent P-D-680, or equal.
( 3 ) Inspect the cylinder for cracks and dis-
D r y all parts thoroughly.
( 2 ) Inspect the reservoir for cracks, breaks,
( 4 ) Replace all defective parts.
d i s t o r t i o n , broken welds and other damage.
( 3 ) Inspect the small parts and mounting
s e m b l e the hydraulic extension cylinder.
hardware for wear and damage.
(4) Replace all defective parts. Use new
Upon reassembly, use new packing. Torque the
p a c k i n g upon reassembly of the hydraulic re-
rod end mut to the value specified in paragraph
1-7b (8).
d . Reassembly.
h y d r a u l i c extension cylinder.
(1) If the unit is equipped with a contami-
f. Installation. I n s t a l l t h e h y d r a u l i c e x t e n -
n a t i o n indicator, reassemble and install the in-
sion cylinder (TM 10-3930-242-12).
dicator (fig. 6-14).
( 2 ) Reassemble the hydraulic oil reservoir
6-12. Hydraulic Oil Reservoir
a. R e m o v a l .
e. Installation.
(1) Position the hydraulic oil reservoir in
When removing any hydraulic hoses or
position and secure it (fig. 6-12).
lines, cap all openings to prevent foreign
(2) Connect the main outlet hose at the
material from entering the system and
shutoff valve located at the right of the driver's
possibly causing serious damage.
seat (Army models 200 and 202 only).
(1) Remove the drain plug (fig. 6-12) from
( 3 ) Disconnect the hose, located at the left
t h e bottom of the hydraulic oil reservoir and
side of the driver's seat.
drain the reservoir.
(4) Install the plug in the bottom of the
hydraulic oil reservoir and fill the reservoir
w i t h the proper oil. Refer to the lubrication
After draining the oil from the reservoir,
do not start the engine for any reason,
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