![]() TM 10-3930-242-34
(4) Replace defective parts.
solvent P-D-680, or equal.
Dry parts
s e m b l e the hydraulic tilt cylinder,
(2) Inspect the parts for wear, scored areas,
s c r a t c h e s , nicks, and burrs.
( 3 ) Inspect the body of the cylinder for
Upon reassembly, use new packing. Torque the rod
c r a c k s and for distortion.
end nut to 900-1000 ft-lbs torque, as specified in
( 4 ) Replace defective parts.
paragraph 1-7b(8).
e. Test.
(1) Packing Drag Test.
s e m b l e the hydraulic lift cylinder.
(a) With the cylinder horizontal, fill the
rod end of the cylinder with oil.
Upon reassembly, use new packing, Torque the rod
(b) Open head end part of the piston to the
end nut to the valve specified in paragraph 1-7b(8).
(c) With the rod end under no load except
h y d r a u l i c lift cylinder in a similar manner.
n o r m a l seal and wiper drag, pressurize the rod
f. Installation. Install the hydraulic lift cylin-
end of the cylinder and record the maximum
der (TM 10-3930-242-12).
p r e s s u r e reached before piston moves.
(d) Repeat the above for head end of the
The hydraulic lift circuit has a holding and over-
c e n t e r relief valve located inside the right hand
(e) The piston may be operated as neces-
f r a m e . This valve does not require any mainte-
sary for wear in.
nance, service or adjustment. It is pre-set at 3000
(f) Piston rod will extend with maximum
o f 15 psi on the piston. Piston rod will retract
6-7. Hydraulic Oscillating Cylinder
with maximum of 25 psi on the rod side of the
a. Removal and Installation. Remove and in-
stall the hydraulic oscillating cylinder (TM
(2) Piston Leakage Test.
(a) Fill cylinder with oil Seal the rod end
and load the head end of the piston to not less
s e m b l e the hydraulic oscillating cylinder.
than 2000 psi and hold this pressure for 15 mi-
n u t e s . The packing gland should be tightened
j u s t tight enough that leakage stops,
The Army model 200 and Army model 222 cylinders
(b) Measure and record the travel of the
a r e of identical construction and have identical
components. The cylinder used on the Army model
piston during the 15 m i n u t e s .
202 has slightly different internal components, but
(c) Repeat the procedure for the rod end
maintenance procedures are similar. The hydraulic
of the cylinder.
oscillating cylinder for the Army model 202 is illus-
(d) M a x i m u m p i s t o n r o d d r i f t m u s t n o t
trated in TM 10-3930-242-34P/2.
exceed one inch per hour.
c. Cleaning and Inspection.
f. Installation. Install the hydraulic tilt cy-
(1) Clean all metal parts thoroughly, using
linder (TM 10-3930-242-12).
solvent P-D-680, or equal. Dry parts
6-6. Hydraulic Lift Cylinder
(2) Inspect the parts for wear, scored areas,
a. Removal and Intsallation. Remove and in-
s c r a t c h e s , nicks and burrs.
lift cylinder
(3) Inspect the body of the cylinder for
c r a c k s and distortion.
( 4 ) Replace defective parts.
s e m b l e the hydraulic lift cylinder.
s e m b l e the oscillating cylinder.
The Army model 200 and Army model 222 cylinder
a r e of identical construction and have identical
Upon reassembly, use new packing. Torque the rod
components. The cylinder used on the Army model
end nut to the value specified in paragraph 1-7b(8).
202 has slightly different internal components, but
maintenance procedures are similar. The hydraulic
lift cylinder for the Army model 202 is illustrated in
h y d r a u l i c oscillating cylinder in a similar man-
TM 10-3930-242-34P/2.
f . installation. Install the hydraulic oscillat-
c. Cleaning and Inspection.
ing cylinder (TM 10-3930-242-12).
(1) Clean all metal parts thoroughly, using
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