![]() TM 10-3930-242-34
c. Check to see that the scribe mark on the
b e changed to accomplish this adjustment. Turn
p i t m a n arm lines up with scribe mark on the
s t e e r i n g wheel slightly to obtain correct posi-
s t e e r i n g sector shaft. Disassemble and reposi-
tion of pitman arm, As a final check, after such
t i o n if required.
a n adjustment, verify that all four wheels are
d. Place vehicle in 2-wheel steering mode.
a i m e d straight ahead using the string method
e. Disconnect valve link arm at end opposite
described above. Readjust drag links if re-
f r o m valve.
f. P a s s s n u g - f i t t i n g , r o u n d r o d o r t u b e
k. Operate the steering through full left and
t h r o u g h aligning hole in intermediate steering
r i g h t positions and in all three steering modes
arm, and, if necessary, adjust the 3-position cy-
to check for proper functioning and no binding.
linder until the aligning hole in the inter-
l. Carefully check the arm on the inboard end
mediate steering arm lines up with aligning
of the front cross shaft for looseness. Any loose-
h o l e in pitman arm.
n e s s in this arm that allows relative motion be-
g. Disconnect front and rear drag links. Ad-
tween it and the cross shaft must be eliminated,
just front and rear wheels to aim straight ahead
as it will cause eventual loss of control.
a n d to have zero toe-in. Toe-in is adjusted by
5-22. Rear Drag link
c h a n g i n g tie rod setting. Wheel position is ad-
a. Removal. Remove the rear drag link (TM
j u s t e d by using long pry bar wedged between
a x l e hub and wheel rim. Considerable force is
required as hydraulic fluid must be forced
a s s e m b l e the rear drag link.
through the power-steering system. Alignment
is verified by passing a string completely
c. Cleaning and Inspection.
a r o u n d the outside of the vehicle at the axle
(1) Clean the rear drag link components
c e n t e r l i n e . Proper alignment exists when string
t h o r o u g h l y , using solvent P-D-680, or equal.
t o u c h e s each tire sidewall in two places.
( 2 ) Inspect the drag link for worn bearing,
h. R e m o v e t h e a l i g n m e n t r o d f r o m i n t e r -
worn stud, broken spring, damage, or cracks.
m e d i a t e steering arm and reconnect the valve
R e p l a c e all defective parts.
l i n k arm. Adjust the valve link arm by turning
the threaded section until ball stud at valve end
semble the rear drag link as follows:
of arm is directly opposite lower pivot center in
(1) Apply a light coat of grease on the non-
i n t e r m e d i a t e steer arm and also opposite end of
chromed portion of the shaft (30).
rear cross shaft tube.
( 2 ) Coat the sleeves (25), and spring (26)
i. Adjust front and rear drag links to drop
w i t h grease and install the shaft (30).
into axle steering arms. The rear drag link con-
( 3 ) Install spacer (25) and nut (23) on the
t a i n s a spring which must not be extended or
s h a f t , then tighten the nut until one thread is
compressed during reconnection.
exposed on the back side of the nut.
j. Start engine, and w i t h o u t m o v i n g s t e e r i n g
( 4 ) Assemble nut (27), adapter (28), and
w h e e l , operate the steering mode selector into
wiper (29). Install on shaft (30).
t h e crab and cramp or 4-wheel steering posi-
(5) Install shaft assembly into tube (22) and
tions. With the front wheels aimed straight
t i g h t e n the adapter until there is no free play
ahead, there should be no movement of the rear
b e t w e e n shaft assembly and the tube, Excessive
w h e e l s as the steering mode selector is shifted
t i g h t e n i n g of the adapter can also cause free
through the various modes. If movement does
o c c u r , the links in the system have been dam-
( 6 ) After the assembly has been adjusted,
a g e d . The steering system can be adjusted to
tighten locknut (27) against the tube (22).
compensate for parts which have sustained
m i n o r deformations. Satisfactory operation can
be accomplished by adjusting the valve link arm
R e f e r to paragraph 1-7b for steering adjustment
a n d the rear drag link to eliminate the move-
ment of the rear wheels. Only if absolutely
e. Installation. Install the rear drag link (TM
necessary should the position of the pitman arm
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