![]() TM 10-3930-242-34
and reassembly.
steer capability is controlled by a system of links
5-14. General
l o c a t e d under the driver's compartment. The 3
The steering system is fully-hydraulic with a
s e p a r a t e modes of steering (two-wheel steer,
mechanical follow up. The machine has a two- or
f o u r - w h e e l steer cramp, and four-wheel steer
four-wheel steer capability, with either a crab or
o b l i q u e ) are controlled by three-position hyd-
c r a m p mode in four-wheel steer. The turning
r a u l i c cylinder anchored on the pitman and act-
radius in four-wheel steer, outside to outside, is
i n g upon the intermediate link. The valve lo-
3 0 feet. In two-wheel steer, outside to outside,
c a t e d in the link anchored on the rear cross
the turning radius is 43 feet. It is recommended
s h a f t bell crank and forward end of the inter-
t h a t four-wheel steer not be used with vehicle
mediate link controls the action of the rear
speeds in excess of 10 miles per hour. For convoy
s t e e r i n g cylinder.
o p e r a t i o n or extended periods of use in two-
5-15. Steering Cylinders
w h e e l steer mode, it is recommended that the
safety detent be locked in. to prevent accidental
a. Removal. R e m o v e t h e s t e e r i n g c y l i n d e r s
activation of four-wheel steer. The four-wheel
(TM 10-3930-242-12).
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