![]() TM 10-3930-242-34
(3) Inspect piston for scores and scratches.
the accumulator. Exercise extreme care
(4) Inspect strap and body for cracks or any
when testing, charging, or otherwise ser-
vicing the accumulator.
d a m a g e . Replace a defective part.
( 1 ) Attach the regulator charging kit.
s e m b l e the hydraulic brake accumulator.
(2) Open the accumulator valve to read
t a l l the hydraulic brake accumulator cylinder.
(3) Open the valve on the nitrogen bottle
g . C h a r g i n g t h e A c c u m u l a t o r . Exercise cau-
a n d set the regulator to charge the accumulator
t i o n when testing or charging accumulator.
cylinder to 275 psi.
( 4 ) Close the nitrogen bottle valve and de-
tach the charging kit.
Use only dry nitrogen gas when charging
removal and installation.
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