![]() TM 10-3930-242-34
(18) Install the pilot valve adjusting plug
( 8 ) Place the spring (20) on the ball guide
(32) on which a new O-ring (33) has been instal-
(21) and then the washer (19), seal (18) (with lip
t o w a r d the steel washer) and the teflon backup
ring (17).
(19) Screw the plug (32) down to the dimen-
(9) Place a new O-ring (16) on the plug (14)
s i o n , which was recorded at the time of disas-
a n d place the assembled parts inside the plug
sembly, and line up the slot in the plug with the
a n d assemble to the body.
mark on the face of the valve body (3). If new
(10) Tighten the plug (15) to 35-40 ft-lbs.
parts have been used to service the valve at this
(11) Place a new O-ring (30) on the pilot valve
point, there is a possibility that the accumulator
seat (29) and install in the valve body (3).
c h a r g i n g limits have changed. This is checked
(12) Push the pilot valve seat into place with
when the brake valve is installed on the vehicle.
a wooden dowel.
O n e full turn of the adjusting plug changes the
(13) Install the pilot valve spool (28), the long
high limit by 200 psi. The high limit is raised by
end of the spool in the "up" position.
screwing the plug into the body and lowered by
screwing the plug out of the body.
(14) Place the steel ball ( inch diameter) on
i t s seat in the pilot valve insert.
(20) Install a new quad ring seal (42) on the
(15) Install a new O-ring (25) on the plug (15).
charging valve spool (43) and install the spool in
Place a small amount of grease on the end of the
the body. Use extra care in installing this spool
spring (26) and insert it into the plug. The
so as not to damage the lands on either the spool
g r e a s e is to hold the spring in the plug during
or the body. Be sure that the spool is pushed all
the way into the body so that the end of the
(16) Tighten the plug (15) to 30-35 ft-lbs.
spool contracts the plug in the end of the valve.
(17) Install the spring (34), ball seat (35), and
At no time is it necessary to force this spool.
s t e e l ball (36) ( in. diameter) using grease to
(21) Install the charging valve spring (40).
hold the ball and seat to the spring.
(22) Install the stop (41) inside the spring.
(23) Install a new O-ring (39) on the charging
valve plug (38), and insert it into the valve body.
I n s t a l l retainer ring (37).
Be sure that the steel ball is on the seat
(24) Install a new "V" block seal (14) on the
before proceeding further.
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