![]() TM 10-3930-242-34
Figure 4-2. Torque converter and transmission assembly,
disassembly and reassembly (sheet 2 of 13).
assembly (37).
When removing torque converter hous-
3. D o n o t r e m o v e c o m p o n e n t s f r o m
ing from the transmission housing, sup-
c o v e r assembly (47) unless parts replacement is
port the reverse range clutch piston (84)
n e c e s s a r y . If dowel pin (43) must be removed,
in rear of housing from falling out.
grasp each pin in a vise and rotate cover while
pulling it off the dowel pin.
(k) Remove the 13 bolts and
which secure torque converter
housing to
4. I f o i l s e a l ( 4 6 ) m u s t b e r e m o v e d ,
t r a n s m i s s i o n housing and remove
torque con-
punch it out, toward the front of cover assembly.
v e r t e r housing assembly and gasket
5. I f u p p e r b e a r i n g ( 4 2 ) m u s t b e r e -
moved, it can be pressed out of cover assembly,
(2) Transmission Input Oil Pump.
toward rear of cover. If lower bearing (43) must
b e removed, remove its rollers and collapse
w a s h e r s (50) from the outer perimeter of pump
outer shell.
assembly, noting position of shorter bolt (49).
6. D o n o t r e m o v e b e a r i n g s ( 3 8 ) f r o m
(b) Remove pump assembly, pump coupl-
body assembly (37) unless replacement is neces-
ing (35) and gasket (33). To disassemble pump:
1. R e m o v e f o u r b o l t s ( 4 5 ) a n d l o c k -
s a r y . They must be removed by pressing them
out of the front of body.
washers (44) which retain cover assembly (47).
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