![]() TM 10-3930-242-34
disassembly and reassembly.
m o u n t e d in test stand, pump and maintain a
tors by the fuel pump and serves as a coolant. In
pressure of 1600- to 2000-psi. Inspect for leaks.
a d d i t i o n to serving as a coolant, circulation of
R e l i e v e test pressure slowly to prevent damage
the surplus fuel bleeds away air or vapor in the
to test gage.
system back to the fuel tank where it is vented
t o the atmosphere. Surplus fuel leaving the in-
jectors flows through outlet fuel line to fuel re-
The injector must always be held in such
t u r n passage and then through a restricted fit-
a way as to prevent any fuel from penet-
ting and a tube back to fuel supply tank.
rating a person's skin. Fuel oil which en-
ters the bloodstream could cause serious
fuel i n j e c t o r s and fuel lines.
infection or death.
(2) Injector holding pressure test. O p e r a t e
Cap the filter caps with shipping cap after line
t h e tester to bring pressure up to approximately
removal to keep out foreign material.
450 psi. Close fuel shut off valve and note pres-
c. Fuel Injector Testing.
sure drop. Time for a pressure drop from 450 psi
(1) I n j e c t o r r a c k a n d p l u n g e r m o v e m e n t .
t o 250 psi should not be less than 40 seconds.
Check to see if plunger works freely in its bush-
Injector should be checked for leaks as follows:
i n g by placing injector against a bench and de-
(a) T h o r o u g h l y d r y i n j e c t o r w i t h c o m -
pressing follower to the bottom of its stroke
p r e s s e d air.
while moving the rack back and forth. Failure to
(b) Open tester fuel valve and operate
p r o d u c e a free rack indicates internal parts of
t e s t e r to maintain testing pressure.
injector are dirty or damaged. With injector
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