![]() TM 10-3930-242-34
Figure 3-9. Blower drive and coupling, disassembly and
reassembly (sheet 2 of 2).
provides a means for the governor to change the
are against their stops, thus limiting their
f u e l settings of injector control racks.
t r a v e l , at which time the low speed spring is
(8) The engine idler speed is determined by
fully compressed and the low speed spring cap is
t h e force exerted by the governor low speed
within 0.0015 inch of the high speed plunger.
s p r i n g . When the governor throttle control lever
(5) Throughout the intermediate speed
i s placed in the idle position, the engine will
r a n g e the operator has complete control of the
o p e r a t e at the speed where the force exerted by
e n g i n e because both low speed spring and low
t h e governor low speed weights will equal the
s p e e d weights are not exerting enough force to
force exerted by the governor low speed spring.
o v e r c o m e the high speed spring.
( 9 ) Adjustment of the engine idle speed is
(6) As speed continues to increase, the cen-
a c c o m p l i s h e d by changing the force on the low
trifugal force of the high speed weights in-
speed spring by means of the idle adjusting
c r e a s e s until this force can overcome the high
s p e e d spring and the governor again takes con-
( 1 0 ) The engine maximum no-load speed is
trol of the engine, limiting the maximum engine
d e t e r m i n e d by the force exerted by the high
s p e e d spring. When the governor throttle con-
( 7 ) A fuel rod is connected to the differen-
trol lever is placed in the maximum speed posi-
tial lever and injector control tube lever
t i o n the engine will operate at the speed where
through the control link. This arrangement
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