![]() TM10-3930-242-12
Replace all defective parts.
4-69. Seat
(c) Adjustment for Army Models MHE 200 and
a Removal.
(1) Refer to figure 4-43 for removal and in-
(1) Turn handle clockwise to raise the seat and
stallation of the seat for Army Models MHE 200
counterclockwise to lower.
and MHE 202 forklift trucks.
(2) To release all pressure on shock absorbers,
(2) Refer to figure 4-44 for removal and in-
push down on release lever. Release lever will
stallation of the seat for Army Model MHE 222
automatically reset.
forklift truck.
(3) Turn tension handle clockwise to increase
firmness of ride and counterclockwise to decrease.
Drycleaning solvent, P-D-680, used to
(4) To move seat forward or back pull forward
clean parts is potentially dangerous to
on handle at bottom of seat.
personnel and property. Do not use near
d. Adjustment for Army Model MHE 222.
open flame or excessive heat. Flash point
(1) Move the seat adjustment handle inward to
of solvent is 138F.
release the lock and move the seat.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(2) Move seat to desired position,
(1) Clean controls and mounting hardware with
(3) Release the handle. This will automatically
drycleaning solvent (item 1, App F) and dry
reposition the locking mechanism.
(2) Inspect mounting hardware for damage.
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