![]() TM10-3930-242-12
personal protective equipment gog-
gles/shield, gloves, etc).
If NBC exposure is suspected, all air
after media should be handled by
The safety filter element should not be
personnel wearing protective equip-
cleaned and reused.
ment. Consult your unit NBC or
(b) When using compressed air, direct the
air from inside the element to the outside, being
NBC NCO for appropriate handling
careful not to rupture the element. Insure O-ring
or disposal procedures.
is properly seated and no leaks exist, Insure that
a. Service. Refer to figure 4-7 for servicing
the filter restriction indicator indicates in the
the air cleaner.
green while engine is running.
b. General. Service the primary filter when
(c) When using water to clean the element,
the air cleaner restriction indicator is red.
soak the element for at least 15 minutes in a de-
(2) Cleaning
tergent and water solution. Rinse with a hose un-
(a) The primary filter element can be
til water runs clean. The maximum allowable
cleaned by reverse flushing, compressed air, or
water pressure is 40 psi.
washing in water. Compressed air is recom-
(d) Allow the element to dry thoroughly be-
mended when the element is to be reused imme-
fore using. Do not use compressed air or light
diately. An element that has been washed in
bulbs to dry a wet element.
water should be dried thoroughly before reuse.
(3) Inspection.
Water is the best cleaning agent and should be
(a) Inspect the filter element by placing a
used when soot or oil has plugged the element.
bright light inside and rotating the element
The filter element should be replaced after six
slowly. If any rupture or holes are discovered, re-
cleanings or annually. The safety filter element
place element.
must be replaced at every third primary element
(b) inspect the air cleaner body, inlet stack,
and rain cap for damage. Replace defective parts.
(4) Installation.
Compressed air used for cleaning
(a) Refer to paragraph 4-7 and install the air
cleaner elements.
purpose will not exceed 30 psi. Use
only with effective guarding and
(b) Reset the restriction indicator to green.
Change 3
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