![]() TM10-3930-242-12
The terms ready/available and mission capa-
Every mission begins and ends with the paperwork.
ble refer to the same status: Equipment is on
There isn't much of it, but you have to keep it up.
hand and is able to perform its combat mis-
The forms and records you fill out have several uses.
sions (see DA Pam 738-750).
They are a permanent record of the services, repairs,
and modifications made on your equipment. They
e. Equipment is not ready/available if: column.
This column tells you when and why your equipment
are reports to organizational maintenance and to
cannot be used.
your commander. They are also a checklist for you
when you want to know what is wrong with the equip-
f. Always do your PMCS in the same order so it
ment after its last use, and whether those faults have
gets to be a habit. Once you've had some practice,
been fixed. For the information you need on forms
you will spot anything wrong in a hurry.
and records, see DA Pam 738-750.
g. When you do your PMCS, take along a rag or
3-4. General
h . While performing PMCS, observce all
WARNINGs and CAUTIONs preceding those opera-
Your Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services
tions which could endanger your safety or result in
Table lists the inspections and care of your equip-
damage to the equipment.
ment required to keep it in good operating condition.
3-4.1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance
Dry cleaning solvent, P-D-680, is toxic and
Checks and Services
flammable. Wear protective goggles and
gloves and use only in a well-ventilated area.
a. The number column of your PMCS is the
Avoid allowing solvent to contact skin, eyes,
source for the number used on the TM Number Col-
and clothes, and don't breathe vapors. Do
umn on DA Form 2404.
not use near open flame or excessive heat. If
b. The interval column of your PMCS Table tells
you become dizzy while using cleaning sol-
you when to do a certain check or service.
vent, get fresh air immediately and get
(1) Before you operate. Perform your before
medical aid. If solvent comes in contact with
(B) PMCS. Always keep in mind the WARNINGS
skin or clothing, wash with water. If solvent
gets in your eyes, flush eyes with water and
get medical aid immediately. Flash point of
(2) While you operate. Perform your during
solvent is 100-138F (38-59C).
(D) PMCS Always keep in mind the WARNINGS
(1) Keep it clean. Dirt, grease, oil and debris
(3) After you operate. Be sure to perform your
only get in the way and may cover up a serious prob-
after (A) PMCS. Always keep in mind the
lem. Clean as you work and as needed. Use dry
cleaning solvent (P-D-680) to clean metal surfaces.
(4) Once a week. Perform your weekly (W)
Use soap and water when you clean rubber or plastic
PMCS. Always keep in mind the WARNINGS and
(2) Bolts, nuts, and screws. Check that they
are not loose, missing, bent, or broken. You can't try
c. The procedure column of your PMCS Table
them all with a tool, of course, but look for chipped
tells you how to do the required checks and services.
paint, bare metal, or rust around bolt heads. Tighten
Carefully follow these instructions. If you do not have
any bolt, nut, or screw that you find loose.
the tools, or if the procedure tells you to, have organ-
izational maintenance do the work.
(3) Welds. Look for loose or chipped paint,
rust or gaps where parts are welded together. If you
d. If your equipment does not perform as re-
find a bad weld, report it to organizational mainte-
quired, refer to the troubleshooting section in this
manual for possible problems. Report any malfunc-
(4) Electric wires and connectors. Look for
tions or failures on the proper DA Form 2404 or
cracked or broken insulation, bare wires, and loose
refer to DA Pam 783-750.
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