![]() TM10-3930-242-12
a. Insure that radiator filler cap seals properly.
b. Keep all wiring and ignition terminals free of
The boiling point of the coolant is raised as the
system pressure is increased.
c. Keep forklift as clean as possible.
b. Check coolant level frequently and add coolant
d. After operation is complete, wash with fresh
as necessary. Use standard ethylene glycol mixture
water. Lubricate in accordance with figure
as specified in table 2-1.
3-1. Check all gear cases for water contamination.
c. Remove all obstructions and foreign material
If contamination is found, (evidenced by a milky
collected on radiator fins and air passages.
color of lubricant) drain, flush, and refill.
d. Do not overfill fuel tank. Make sure fuel filters
are clean.
a. Keep fuel tank full at all times.
If NBC exposure is suspected, all air filter
b. Wash forklift truck after operation.
media should be handled by personnel
wearing protective equipment. Consult
your unit NBC Officer or NBC NCO for
a. Check coolant level frequently and add coolant
appropriate handling or disposal procedures.
as necessary.
e. Have air cleaner cleaned and serviced.
The engine will operate less efficiently at
high altitudes.
b. Observe engine instruments while operating
a. Clean all grease fittings after operation.
for any indication of trouble.
b. Lubricate in accordance with figure 3-1.
c. Check oil filter and engine oil frequently.
d. Have air cleaner serviced often.
a. Keep fuel tank full at all times. Keep snow
e. Have fuel filters cleaned and serviced.
away from filler where servicing fuel tank.
b. Clean all snow from operating controls and
from steps.
a. Keep all lubrication points clean and well
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