and lever (19) and remove plate and
shaft from carburetor.
a. Removal. Refer to TM 103930-222-20.
c. Cleaning.
b. Disassembly.
(1) Clean all parts in SD and dry them
(1) Unscrew and remove filter head (1, fig.
thoroughly with either compressed air or a
clean, lint-free cloth.
(2) Remove filter head washer (2) from filter
(2) Clean all small passages and orifices with
a clean, soft wire or some other item
(3) Unscrew and remove screws (34) and
suitable for probing. Be careful not to
lockwashers that secure air intake (30) to
mark machined surfaces.
fuel bowl (23) of carburetor and remove
d. Inspection and Repair.
air intake and gasket (8).
(1) Inspect the float for cracks, dents, holes,
(4) Pull float axle (27) from air intake and
or breaks.
remove float (7).
(2) Inspect the float shaft for bends or worn
(5) Remove valve (6) from valve seat (5).
bearing surfaces.
Unscrew valve seat from air intake and
(3) Inspect both the valve seat and the valve
remove washer (4).
for wear, scratches, and nicks.
(6) Unscrew and remove vacuum cylinder
(4) Inspect the idle adjusting needle for ridges
(28) and washer (29) from air intake.
and other damages.
(7) Remove screw (35) that secures choke
(5) Inspect the throttle disk for cracks, nicks,
plate (36) to choke lever and shaft (31)
and burs. Remove the nicks and burs, if
and slide shaft out of air intake and
remove choke plate.
(6) Inspect the choke disk for bends, cracks,
(8) Remove screws (24) and lockwashers that
and burred edges.
secure fuel bowl (23) to throttle body (16)
(7) Inspect the shafts and other parts for
and separate fuel bowl and throttle body
wear, distortion, rust, and other defects.
and gasket (21).
(8) Replace all gaskets each time the
(9) Unscrew and remove main jet (10) and
carburetor is disassembled.
washer (11) from bottom of fuel bowl (23).
(9) Replace other items as authorized.
(10) Unscrew and remove power jet valve (9)
e. Assembly.
from fuel bowl.
(1) Reverse procedure in b above.
(11) Remove discharge jet passage plug (14)
(2) The float setting should be 1 1/2 inches
and washer (13) from bottom of fuel bowl.
plus or minus 1/32, inch from milled face of
(12) Remove main discharge jet (12) from fuel
throttle body to bottom of float.
f. Installation. Refer to TM 10-3930-222-20.
(13) Remove venturi (22) from fuel bowl.
(14) Remove well vent jet (25) from fuel bowl.
34. Governor
(15) Remove idling jet (26) from fuel bowl.
a. Removal. Refer to TM 10-3930-222-20.
(16) Remove idle adjusting needle (17) and
b. Disassembly.
spring from throttle body (16).
(1) Remove screw (27, fig. 21) and separate
(17) Unscrew screws (20) that secure throttle
body (7) and lever assembly (13) from
plate (15) to throttle shaft
gear and shaft base assembly (26).
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