![]() TM 10-3930-222-20
40. General
(3) Remove the jamnuts (10) and nuts (11) from the
bolts (12) that secure the generator to the
The electrical system consists of six basic
mounting bracket (13) and remove the
circuits: starting, charging, ignition, horn, instrument,
generator from +.he bracket.
and lighting. The units of the various circuits are
connected in a 12-volt, negative ground, single-wire
(4) If necessary, remove the nuts and lockwashers
system. When repairing or replacing wiring, refer to
that secure the bracket to the engine and
wiring diagrams (fig. 34-9).
remove the bracket from the engine.
(5) Unscrew and remove the nut (1) and lockwasher
41. Generator
(2) that secure the pulley (3) to the generator
and press the pulley from the generator.
a. Generator Voltage Output Test.
Test the
(6) Remove the fan (4) from the generator.
generator for voltage output by following the procedure
(7) Remove the key (14) from the shaft.
outlined in figure 40.
c. Installation. Reverse procedures in a above and
polarize the generator if it has lost its residual
remove the generator as follows:
magnetism. This condition is indicated by an absence
(1) Remove the bolt (8, fig. 42), lockwasher (7),
of charging. This loss of residual magnetism occurs
and washer (6) that secure the generator (9) to
frequently in generators that have been in storage. To
the adjusting plate (5). Move the generator
restore magnetism to the generator, take a hot battery
toward the engine, and remove the fan and
wire and momentarily touch the field terminal on the
generator belt from the generator.
generator. This is known as "flashing" the generator,
(2) Disconnect and tag the armature and field wires
at the generator terminals.
Figure 34. Electrical charging circuit.
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