![]() b. Transporting Load.
(4) Move the hydraulic control lever to the
right and pull the lever back to tilt the
(1) Move the hydraulic control lever to
load. When the desired tilt position is
the left and push the lever forward to
reached, return the lever to neutral.
lower the load.
(2) Lower the load cautiously and slowly
(5) Work the inching pedal and the hy-
draulic control lever together. Before
to the desired running height.
applying extra engine speed to hoist
(3) Be sure that overhead clearance is
the load, depress the inching pedal
sufficient to clear the load. When a
completely to set the service brakes
bulky load obstructs forward view,
and prevent the truck from moving.
drive the truck in reverse.
(6) Move the hydraulic control lever to
c. Depositing Load.
the left and pull the lever back to hoist
(1) Carefully drive to the position at
the load.
which the load is to be deposited.
(7) Accelerate the engine until the desired
(2) Move the hydraulic lever to the right
hoisting speed is obtained.
and push forward to move the up-
rights to a vertical position.
(8) Allow the hydraulic control lever to
(3) Move the hydraulic lever to the left
return to neutral position when the
and forward to lower the load.
load reaches desired height.
Section IV.
b. Hold the extinguisher by its carrying
17. General
handle and pull the pin which is secured to the
This section contains instructions for oper-
handle by a chain.
ating the portable fire extinguisher (3, fig. 3)
c. Lift the nozzle on the extinguisher until
that is supplied with the truck.
it forms an approximate right angle with the
18. Operating the Fire Extinguisher
a. Disconnect the clamp that secures the fire
d. Point the nozzle at the base of the fire and
extinguisher to the mounting bracket, swing
depress the discharge lever above the carrying
the clamp open, and remove the extinguisher
from the truck.
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