![]() celerator pedal to increase the engine speed;
release the pressure on the pedal to decrease
is located on the floorboard to the right of the
the engine speed.
steering column. Depress the brake pedal to
slow down or stop the truck.
h. Handbrake Lever. The handbrake lever
is located in the center of the steering wheel.
Press the horn button to sound the horn.
(6, fig. 3) is located to the right of the ac-
k. Steering Wheel. The steering wheel (1,
celerator pedal. Push the handbrake lever for-
ward to release the brakes; pull up and back
to set the brakes. Adjust the handbrake by
truck. Turn the steering wheel to the right to
turning the knob on the upper end of the hand-
steer the truck to the right; turn the steering
brake lever clockwise to tighten the brakes, or
wheel to the left to steer the truck to the left.
l. Ignition Switch. The ignition switch (9,
counterclockwise to loosen the brakes. A n y
adjustment should be made with the handbrake
lever in the full release position.
the right of the starter switch. Turn the ig-
i. Accelerator Pedal. The accelerator pedal
nition switch clockwise to ON position to turn
on the ignition system. Turn the switch coun-
(7, fig. 3) is located on the floorboard, conveni-
terclockwise to the OFF position to turn off
ent to the operator's right foot. Depress ac-
Steering wheel
Operator's seat
9 Inching pedal
Horn button
Handbrake lever
10 Instrument panel
Fire extinguisher
Accelerator pedal
11 High- and low-speed lever
Hydraulic control lever
Brake pedal
12 Direction control lever
Figure 3. Operator's compartment.
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