TB 43-0142
(Wire rope; Chains; Metal mesh; Rope: Natural and synthetic fiber;
Synthetic web: Nylon, polyester, and polypropylene.)
C-1. Daily Inspection. Visual inspection of slings and all fastenings and attachments shall be
conducted daily or before use using the following minimum criteria. Where a degraded condition is
found to exist, paragraph C-2 should be checked for further reject/accept criteria. Damaged or
defective slings shall be immediately removed from service.
a. Wire Rope Slings. Check for:
(1) Reduction of rope diameter below nominal value.
(2) Broken outside wires.
(3) Worn outside wires.
(4) Corroded, broken, or frayed wires at end connections.
(5) Corroded, cracked, bent, worn, improperly sized, or improperly applied end connections.
(7) Evidence of damage due to welding arc or other heat sources.
Figure C-1. Bending
Figure C-2. Kinking
Figure C-3. Crushing
Figure C-4. Caging
Figure C-5. Popped Core
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