TB 43-0142
b. Chain Slings. Check for:
Excessive wear or stretch.
Bent or twisted links
(3) Defective welds.
Nicks and gouges.
c. Metal Mesh Slings. Check for:
Unpadded sharp comers.
Evidence of twisting or kinking.
A broken weld or brazed joint along the sling edge.
A broken wire in any part of the mesh.
Reduction in wire diameter.
tack of flexibility due to distortion of the fabric.
(7) Distortion of handle.
Evidence of heat damage.
d. Rope (Natural and Synthetic Fiber) Slings. The existence of any of the following conditions
will require that the sling be immediately removed from service:
(1) Abnormal wear.
Powered fiber between strands.
Broken or cut fibers.
Variation in the size or roundness of strands.
Discoloration or rotting.
Distortion of hardware in the sling.
(7) Fiber rope slings shall not be used if end attachments which are in contact with the rope
have sharp edges or projections.
e. Synthetic Web Slings.
(1) Each sling shall be marked or coded to show the rated capacities and type of synthetic
web material.
(2) Synthetic webbing should be of uniform thickness and width and selvage edges should
not be split from webbings width.
Fittings should be free of all sharp edges that could in any way damage the webbing.
Sling surface should have no evidence of melting or charring from acid, caustic, or other
In addition, check for the following:
(a) Snags, punctures, tears, or cuts.
(b) Broken or worn stitches.
(c) Distortion of fittings.
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