![]() Master Sampling Table
SB 740-97-3920
not contribute to lot rejection of the Major-A defect
(a) Single sampling plan. A single sample plan,
class. When a rejection number is reached in a
corresponding to the appropriate lot size and defect
second stage sample, inspection will be discontinued.
classification, is used involving lots of 25 items
(3) Inspection method. Perform technical in-
or less. A separate sample size and pair of acceptance
spection of the selected samples. Functional or per-
and rejection numbers is shown under the column
formance tests should be avoided unless there are
headed Major-A and Major-B. The numbers under
significant indications that components of the items
the column headed AC refer to the maximum allow-
have deteriorated to a degree that operational prob-
able number of defective item(s) in the sample that
lems will exist.
are permissible for acceptance. Conversely, the num-
c. Defect Classification. Refer to Appendix B and
bers under the columns headed RE refer to the mini-
C for listings of defects and their classifications.
mum number of defective item(s) in the sample re-
Defects should be classified as critical (when critical
quired to cause rejection of the lot.
defects are considered), Major-A, Major-B or Minor,
(b) Double sampling plan. A double sampling
even if they are not considered to belong fully in
plan, corresponding to the appropriate lot size is used
these classes at the time of the inspection, but can
if a successive stage cumulative acceptance and re-
reasonably be expected to be in these classes prior to
jection numbers are indicated. The same sample
the next scheduled inspection period. When inspec-
size is used to determine the acceptance for both
tion or testing of an item reveals a critical defect,
Major-A and Major-B defectives. The interpretation
the lot represented will be rejected. Defects noted
of the columns headed by AC and RE is the same as
that described for the single sampling plan in (a)
during the inspection and classified as minor will
above. If at the first sampling stage, the number
not be cause for rejection of the lot.
of defective items found is between the two numbers
prising rejected lots will be afforded technical in-
indicated in the column headed by AC and RE, an
additional sample must be selected to arrive at an
spection on an individual basis to identify the degree
accept or reject decision for only one particular
of serviceability, condition and completeness in
defect class. If an additional sample is required for
terms of readiness for issue or to identify actions
only one particular defect class, the inspection of
ange the status of the material (AR
the second sample will be restricted to only
ticular defect class. For exam
table indicates accep
class, but requires an
accept or reject decision
A defectives so o
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