![]() SB 740-97-3900
all significant characteristics. The formation of a
grand lot at a depot is only a paper transaction and
are applicable to those items listed in appendix A.
does not require any rewarehousing or reworking
of material. Where such grand lots are formed and
tion, packaging and packing will be in accordance
sampled for surveillance, reports of results should
with the packaging references cited in the Packaging
include a complete description of the grand lot com-
Segment of the Army Master Data File (AR 708-1).
position in each case. If the samples drawn from
the grand lot indicate heterogeneity of the individual
lots making up the grand lot, the grand lot will then be
terminated and manufacturer's lot sampling sub-
cordance with SB 740-1.
b Age Control. The items covered by this bulletin
c. Mixed Lot. The mixed lot is formed of one or
will be issued on a First-In-First-Out (FIFO) basis
more lots whose identification by manufacturer or
by date of manufacturer.
lot number has been lost and its relation to other lots
c Shelf-Life. The items covered by this bulletin
cannot be determined. An example of this is depot
have an indefinite shelf-life.
rollback or repacks of represerved material. Several
mixed lots may be grouped into grand lots if surveil-
tive samples for surveillance evaluation is based on
lance inspection data indicates that these mixed lots
the homogeneity of the lot Subject to the limitations
are similar in their significant characteristics.
of this rule, inspection lots should be as large as
possible. To encompass these principles, the forma-
tion of lots for surveillance will consist of manu-
Select samples of material in a manner that will as-
facturer's lots, grand lots or mixed lots.
sure each unit in the lot has an equal chance of being
a Manufacturer's Lots. The manufacturer's lot,
selected, Biased methods, such as selecting items from
batch or control number will be used whenever pos-
the same position in the container, pallets or stacks;
sible in the selection of samples. This would include
taking items all from one location; or selecting items
lots of sizeable quantities in original packs.
that appear defective, will not be utilized. The use of
b Grand Lot.
a table of random numbers as contained in the De-
(1) The grouping together of several lots of one
partment of Defense Handbook, H53, is recommended
manufacturer can effect an increase of lot size How-
and will insure random selection of samples.
ever, the following conditions must be met by these
b. Inspection.
lots before material can be considered for grouping
(1) Frequency.
into a grand lot:
(a) Identical stock number, class, type, model.
(b) Same manufacturer.
(c) Manufactured within a period of twelve
(d) Comparable storage history.
(e) Identical packaging.
(f) No known significant difference in quality.
(2) The grand lot may be formed when the com-
the con-
analysis of all available data, inch
ment of
ns noted above and the technical j
veillance team, indicate the homogeneity of
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