![]() TM 10-3930-673-34
Remove plug (8), preformed packing (9), back-up ring (10), and preformed packing (11).
Discard preformed packings.
Remove spring (12), piston (13), preformed packing (14), back-up ring (15), and poppets (16
and 17). Discard preformed packing.
Remove body (18) and preformed packing (19). Discard preformed packing.
Do not remove relief valves unless they are being replaced.
Remove two relief valves (20) and
disassemble parts (21 through 38)
from main control valve.
Remove nuts (21 and 22) and
preformed packings (23) from
adjusting screw (24).
Count and record number of turns
required to remove adjusting screw
to aid in assembly.
Remove adjusting screw (24),
spring (25), and poppet (26) from
plug (27).
Remove plug (27), preformed packing (28), back-up ring (29), and preformed packing (30).
Discard preformed packings.
Remove spring (31), piston (32), preformed packing (33), back-up ring (34) and poppets (35
and 36). Discard preformed packing.
Remove body (37) and preformed packing (38). Discard preformed packing.
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