![]() NOTES:
replace damaged or worn parts, repack bearings,
and then reassemble. Fill bull gear spaces to three
1. For Operation of Equipment in Protected Cold
fourths height of teeth with grease GAA.
Temperatures Below -10F. Remove lubricants
4. Engine Crankcase. Capacity 5 qts (4.7L) when oil
prescribed in the key for temperatures above - 10F.
filter in replaced.
Relubricate with lubricants specified in the key for
5. Transmission/Axle Adapter. Capacity 12 qts
temperatures below .- 10F (- 18 C).
(11.4L) when filter is replaced.
2 Oil Can Points. Every 50 hours lubricate the ac-
celerator and parking brake linkage, mast interlock,
with the Military Symbols and applicable.
control valve linkage. pins and clevises and all ex-
Specification Numbers: OE/HDOMIL-L-2104C,
posed adjusting threads with OE/HDO.
GO MIL-L-2105C. HBA MIL-H-5606, GAA
3. Wheel Bearing and Bull Gears. Every 500
hours remove wheels, clean and inspect all parts,
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