![]() TM 10-3930-647-14&P
3.1 General.
provided to designated support units (OCONUS)
before shipment of the end items. The parts shipped
a. The basic policies and procedures in AR 710-2
will be selected according the recommendations of
and AR 725-50 are generally applicable to repair
the receiving commands. Receiving commands will
parts management for material handling equipment
make their recommendations after review of the
(MHE) items.
initial list distributed by TACOM. Support units
b. Manufacturer's parts manuals are furnished
and activities in CONUS will establish ASL stocks
with MHE items instead of Department of the Ar-
through the normal requisitioning process (app. G).
my repair parts and special tool list (RPSTL).
c. National stock numbers (NSNs) are initially
assigned only to PLL/ASL parts, major assemblies
L o c a l p u r c h a s e of
and suggested repair parts. Additional NSNs are
authorized IAW AR 710-2 and AR
a s s i g n e d by the supply support activities as de
mands warrant.
3.4 Requisitioning Repair Parts (MILSTRIP).
d. Automated processing (AUTODIN) of Federal
s u p p l y code manufacturer (FSCM) part number
All MILSTRIP requisitions (DD Form 1348 series)
r e q u i s t i o n s , without edit for matching NSNs, is
prepared for repair parts support of MHE items will
include the use of certain distribution and project
e. Weapon system designator codes on part
requisitions are not required.
a. Distribution Codes (App. H). The distribution
f. Repair parts are available from commercial
code consists of a twopart field. The first part (card
sources for units and may be purchased locally 1AW
c o l u m n 54) designates the control activity that
AR 710-2 and AR 735-110.
should receive supply and shipping status of all
g. Initial prescribed l o a d l i s t ( P L L ) a n d
requisitions. The second part (card columns 55-56)
authorized stockage list (ASL) will be distributed by
identifies the end item by the use of a weapons
the Tank-Automotive Command (TACOM), ATTN:
system designator code.
DRSTA-MVM, Warren, MI 48090.
(1) CONUS customers will use code "F" in card
c o l u m n 54. OCONUS customers will use the ap
3.2 Prescribed Load List (PLL).
propriate code from appendix P, paragraph P-3, AR
The PLL, distributed by TACOM, is an estimated
725-50. (See appendix H for distribution codes.)
15 days' supply recommended for inital stockage at
(2) The weapons system designator code for the
organizational maintenance. Management of PLL
4,000-lb. Clark model C500Y45 is not applicable.
i t e m s will be governed by the provisions of AR
Card columns 55 and 56 will be left blank on all
710-2 and local command procedures. A prepared
requisitions for parts to support the designated end
list of PLL parts will be provided to OCONUS units
before shipment of the end item. Selection of PLL
b . Project Codes. Direct support system (DSS)
parts for shipment to OCONUS units is based upon
project codes (FM 38-725) are no longer mandatory
t h e receiving command's recommendations after
and are being phased out. However, CONUS and
their review of the TACOM prepared list.
O C O N U S customers, submitting non-NSN part
Organizations and activities in CONUS will
number requisitions to the Defense Construction
establish PLL stocks through normal requisitioning
Supply Center (DCSC-routing identifier
process (app. G).
c o d e - "S9C"), will use MHE project codes "JZM"
(OCONUS) and "BGX" (CONUS) in card columns
Local purchase of repair is authorized
1AW AR 710-2 and AR 735-110.
3.5 Submitting Requisitions.
Requisitions for NSN parts will be forwarded
3.3 Authorized Stockage List (ASL).
through the Defense Automated Addressing
The ASL, distributed by TACOM, is an estimated
System (DAAS) to the Managing Supply Support
45 days' supply of repair parts for support units and
Activity (app. I). Requisitions for non-NSN parts
activities. An initial list of ASL parts will be
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