![]() 5-170.
REMOVAL (Refer to Figure 6-11)
a . I n s t a l l a t i o n of the exhaust
system is the reverse of removal.
Raise seat deck and open side hoods.
b . When isntalling a new exhaust
b . Remove the two nuts (Item 1) that
system use new clamps (Items 2, 5,
mount the exhaust pipe to the manifold
and 10).
and remove the clamp (Item 2) that clamps
the exhaust pipe (manifold end Item 3)
C. B e f o r e installing exhaust
pipe (manifold end) Item 3) scrape
and remove the exhaust pipe (manifold end
away gasket (Item 12) from manifold
Item 3).
and install a new gasket (Item 12)
C. Remove the clamp (Item 5) that clamps
d . Start engine and check for
the exhaust pipe (muffler end Item 4) to the
exhaust leaks.
muffler (Item 6) then remove the exhaust
p i p e (muffler end) (Item 4) by pulling up
and out of the machine.
d . Turn the steering wheel all the way
to the right and remove the capscrew,
a . Remove air cleaner assembly
lockwasher and washer (Item 7) from the
and air cleaner hose.
muffler mounting bracket (Item 9).
Remove exhaust pipe (manifold
e . Turn the steering wheel all the way
to the left, and remove the capscrew,
Remove accelerator return spring,
lockwasher and washer (Item 8) from the
muffler mounting bracket (Item 9).
d . Remove oil line from timing cover
to engine b l o c k .
f . After removing Items 7 and 8 the
muffler will drop and can be removed from
e . Remove governor control spring
the right side of the machine.
and governor control linkage.
g . Remove the clamp (Item 10) that
f . Remove the governor mounting
c l a m p s the tail pipe (Item 11) to the
muffler (Item 6) and remove the tail
g . Remove the governor from the
a. Before removal of any of the exhaust
system, inspect the entire system and
a. I n s p e c t o i l s e a l f o r l e a k s ,
remove only the parts that are leaking,
r e p l a c e if necessary.
for it is not necessary to remove the com-
plete system.
b . Check running clearance in governor
gear and shaft bushings (refer to Table 5,
page 5-15). I f found to be outside the
l i m i t s replace governor.
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