![]() d. Check the relief valve for
C. C h e c k Valves - I n s t a l l a n e w
s m o o t h movement in its bore. The
"0" - r i n g (item 8 in Fig. 6-10) on
Relief Valve should move by its
t h e check valve plug (Item 7 in Fig.
own weight.
6-10) Place poppet (Item 10 in Fig.
6-10) and spring (Item 9 in Fig. 6-10)
in the valve body and install the plug
(Item 7 in Fig. 6-10).
d . Operating Spool.
Install new
Coat all parts with clean hydraulic
"0" rings (Item 6 in Fig. 6-10) in
oil to facilitate reassembly and
"0"-rings grooves in the valve body
provide initial lubrication.
at each end of spool bore.
spool (Item 5 in Fig. 6-10) in its
a . Valve Body - I n s t a l l n e w
b a s e from cap end. I n s t a l l e n d c a p
(Item 2 in Fig. 6-10) and end cap
"0" rings on port plugs and plug
retainer (Item 1 in Fig. 6-10).
the appropriate valve body ports
(Refer to Fig. 6-10).
I n s t a l l Aux. Valve assembly
plugs in cylinder "B" port, inlet
o n t o the machine. Remove the caps
port and cylinder "a" port).
from the hydraulic lines and install
b . Relief Valve - I n s t a l l " o "
the lines to the valve.
ring on relief valve plug (Item 12
to 11 in Fig 6-10). P l a c e r e l i e f
v a l v e assembly (Item 14 in Fig.
6-10) in its bore.
Install spring
and plug (Item 13 and 11) in its
bore and tighten plug securely
but DO NOT overtighten.
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