![]() b. Refer to the welding instructions at the front
h. Raise the carriage approximately 4 feet and
of this section before attempting any welding on
block it with a 4 x 4 timber as shown in figure
the carriage.
5-141. Lower the carriage so that it rests on the
end of the beam.
c. Perform carriage roller adjustments as outlined
in Section IV.
i. Replace the 3/8 bolts, one at a time, with the
cylinder anchor pins. Secure the anchor pins with
cotter pins previously removed.
j. Raise and lower the carriage several times to
check operation throughout the full range of
Before installing carriage, check roller
adjustment of the upright. (See Section
a. With carriage resting on the floor, the heel of
5-144. REMOVAL.
the forks resting on a 4 x 4 inch timber or I-beam,
and a pallet or other weight on the free end of the
a. Install suitable hoist to upper tie bar.
forks, drive the truck up to the carriage and tilt the
upright to match the angle of the carriage.
b. Raise the inner rails so that they just clear the
upper carriage rollers.
Upright assembly weighs approximately
750 pounds; use due safety precautions
c. Slowly move the truck forward until the inner
w h e n removing
or installing upright
rails are aligned vertically with the upper carriage
b. Remove forks and load safety rack.
d. Lower the inner rails carefully over the
carriage upper rollers. After checking to see that
c. Remove cotter pins and plain pins securing tilt
rollers are properly guided into the upright inner
cylinder clevises to upright outer channel brackets.
rails, lower the rails to the full down position.
e. Remove wires holding the chain ends over the
Place suitable drain pan under cylinder to
catch oil
disconnected from lift cylinder fitting.
The following steps will require the
d. Loosen hydraulic pressure line coupling nut
assistance of another mechanic to operate
securing pressure line to lift cylinder fitting.
the lift valve.
e. Remove support shaft lock plate bolt and
f. Grasp one chain in each hand and have an
lockwasher securing lock plate. Remove support
assistant open the lift control valve in the "down"
position. Pull the piston to full down position as
shown in figure 5-144, while the valve is open.
f. Using chain hoist, support and remove upright
assembly from truck.
g. Position loose chain ends in the anchor
brackets on the back of the carriage. Secure each
chain anchor with a 3/8 diameter x 2 inch long
a. Refer to file 5-145 and disassemble the
upright assembly according to the illustration.
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