Install drive gear assembly
S T E P 6.
( I t e m 13) and driven gear
assembly (Item 14) into front
c o v e r . A p p l y oil to pump drive
shaft at the drive end to pre-
v e n t damage to the shaft seal
w h e n the shaft is pushed through.
Install the rubber seal (Item 61,
S T E P 3.
C h e c k to make sure that the seal
t h e gasket (Item 8) and the heat
lip and spring is not pushed out
shield into the end cover cavity
by the shaft.
as follows:
T h e small vent hold through
C h e c k wear plate to make certain
S T E P 7.
all these parts must be
that it is still seated in its
alligned and positioned
oval cavity and install the
center section (Item 12) over
n e x t to the scribe mark on
t h e island made during dis-
the gears until it contacts the
w e a r p l a t e . M a k e certain that
scribed lines on the housing
The lips of the rubber seal
exterior are in line.
must face toward the cavity
Install the dowel pins (Items 7)
a n d be tucked into the groove
S T E P 8.
a n d add a generous amount of oil
with a smooth dull tool to
t o t h e g e a r c a v i t i e s . R o t a t e the
p r e v e n t damage to the rubber
gears to insure distribution of
the oil.
T h e gasket (Item 8) must be
Place thrust plate (Item 22) on
pressed firmly toward the
S T E P 9.
top of the gears in the center
bottom of the cavity with
M a k e certain that the
the thumbs so as to make
bronze side is toward the gears
sure that all of its perim-
a n d the open side is toward the
eters are completely within
inlet port.
the groove to avoid inter-
f e r e n c e with subsequent
Oil the o-ring (Item 11) and place
STEP 10.
it in the groove in the back cover
The heat shield shall be
f i r m l y pressed toward the
Install the back cover with the
bottom of the cavity with
STEP 11.
the thumbs until sufficient
scribe mark aligned with scribe
space is available for the
m a r k s on the center section and
the front cover.
w e a r plate.
Install the housing retainer screws
Install O-ring (Item 11) into
S T E P 4.
STEP 12.
and cross-tighten to the torque.
groove in front end cover (Item 5).
values given on the specification
Oil the O-ring and stretch it
page at end of this section.
s l i g h t l y , if necessary, to make
it remain in the groove.
A d d a generous amount of clean oil
STEP 13.
in both the inlet and outlet ports.
Install the wear plate (Item 10)
S T E P 5.
with the bronze surface against
t h e gears and the small hole in
line with the vent hold in the
heat shield (Item 9).
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