![]() Fig. 13344
Use caution to avoid "cocking" of
This mark will aid you in accom-
the dowel pins (Item 7).
plishing proper reassembly of the
pump as the location of the vent
STEP 8. Remove wear plate (Item 10) and
hole determines pump rotation.
the thrust plate (Item 22).
Use a piece of small diamter
S T E P 10.
STEP 9. Mark the front cover island next
wire (Paper clip) to remove
to the pressure vent hole in the
the heat shield (Item 9), the
heat shield (Item 9), the gasket
gasket (Item 8) and the rubber
(Item 8) and the rubber seal
These three
seal (Item 6).
(Item 6).
items should be thrown away as
they should always be replaced
when pump is reassembled.
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