![]() g. After the brake has been reassembled as shown
in the complete brake assembly, to double check,
rotate each adjuster so the brake shoes will move
out. The brake shoes should stay out and not be
pulled back by the springs. Then turn the
adjusters back so the brake drum will slide on over
the brake shoes.
It may also be necessary to tap the shoes
either up or down to allow the drum to
slide over the shoes. There is no other
adjustment necessary. The first time the
Occasionally grease retainers become worn,
brakes are applied, the shoes will be
allowing lubricant from wheel bearings to leak
centered and adjusted.
through in the brake drum. When grease comes
into contact with the end closures, they become
h. Install brake assembly on the axle end.
soft and enlarged, preventing them from protecting
the cylinder from foreign matter. If this occurs,
i. Install brake drum on axle end.
replace wheel cylinder.
j. Install axle end in axle adaptor. Axle end
mounting bolts and nuts should be torqued to 35
to 40 foot/pounds.
After a wheel cylinder is removed, it will be
necessary to bleed brakes, as air will have
k. Install lines.
entered the system with the wheel cylinder
1. After lines have been installed, the brakes are
ready to bleed. Refer to Section IV for brake
bleeding instructions.
5-103. REMOVAL.
b. Install the wheel cylinder casting onto the
a. Disconnect the pedal linkage at the push rod
brake backing plate.
c. Install the brake shoe anchor block and bolts.
b. Disconnect hydraulic brake line at the outlet
d. Install the brake shoe anchor key and the
brake shoe.
c. Remove the three bolts which secure the
cylinder to the mounting bracket, and remove the
cylinder assembly.
Before the brake shoe anchor keys are
installed, they should be coated with
e. Connect the two brake shoe return springs.
f. Install brake shoe guide pin, spring, and caps.
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