Clean all metal parts thoroughly
u s i n g a S t o d d a r d Type cleaning solvent.
It is recommended that parts be immersed
in cleaning solvent and gently agitated
until all old lubricant and foreign
material is removed and parts are
thoroughly cleaned. All parts cleaned
should be dryed by using moisture-free
compressed a i r .
INSPECTION: The importance of careful and
thorough inspection of all parts cannot
be overstressed. Any parts showing wear
or an indication of stress should be
discarded and new parts installed. It is
more economical to replace a questionable
p a r t a t t h i s time than risk the possibi-
lity of a premature malfunction, necessita-
t i n g a teardown of t h e assembly for
replacement of f a u l t y i t e m s .
S t e p 9 Plate 8071.
Oil Seals, Inching Cup, "0" Rings
Remove inching valve and components shown
and Cover Gasket: These items should be
replaced with new parts. Apply a thin
c o a t o f P e r m a t e x # 2 o n t h e outer diameter
o f t h e s e a l s to assure an oil t i g h t f i t
I m m e r s e inching cup in
in their retainers.
U C O N - 1 1 4 5 fluid and lubricate sealing rings
and inner diameter of oil seals with
A u t o m a t i c Transmission Fluid before assem-
S p o o l s , Valves and Housing:
housing bores, valves and spools to be
certain they are thoroughly cleaned and
that mating surfaces a r e f r e e f r o m n i c k s
or burrs. Minor nicks or burrs may be
r e m o v e d with a pocket type hone.
S t e p 10 Plate 8072.
Remove the stop and forward and reverse
selector spool. Pry the spool oil seals
from the cover. Exercise caution so as
not to scratch the spool bore during
r e m o v a l of t h e s e a l s .
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