![]() f. Remove the bolts securing converter housing
b. Connect fuel pump to carburetor hose, and
to engine flywheel housing.
air filter hose.
g. Remove frame mounting bolts.
c. Connect accelerator and governor linkage and
perform adjustments as outlined in Section IV.
h . Remove transmission and wheel end as an
a . Refer to figure 5-83 for parts identification
when disassembling the fuel pump.
Make certain that the engine is properly
b. Before disassembling any pump, scribe a mark
b l o c k e d (supported) before removing any
across the housings in such a manner that they may
retainer capscrews.
be reassembled with inlet and outlet, fitting holes
in correct location.
i. Remove drain plug located on side of converter
and drain oil.
c . When disassembled, clean all parts (except
d i a p h r a g m s ) in s o l v e n t a n d b l o w d r y w i t h
j. Remove converter assembly from stator
compressed air. Examine the diaphragm for cracks,
s u p p o r t by pulling converter straight outwards
tom screw holes or ruptures. If deteriorated, install
from main shaft and stator support.
new diaphragm and pull rod assembly. Check the
strainer screen and if found to be corroded or
k . Separate transmission from axle adaptor by
clogged, install a new screen. Check rocker arm for
r e m o v i n g the retainer bolts and stud nuts that
wear or scoring or that portion that contacts the
connect these two units.
camshaft eccentric. If arm is scored or worn, install
a new one.
d. When reassembling a pump, do not use shellac
There is one large seal and one or more
or other adhesive on a diaphragm.
shims located between the axle adaptor and
transmission. B e c a r e f u l n o t t o d a m a g e
these components at disassembly.
5-85. REMOVAL.
1. In the following instructions the front of the
t r a n s m i s s i o n will be the TORQUECONVERTER
a. Drain transmission and axle adaptor at drain
END, and the rear of the tranmission will be the
A D A P T O R - E N D . To aid in disassembly, see the
exploded view of the transmission shown in figure
b. Remove all parts obstructing accessibility to
the transmission.
c. Disconnect hydraulic brake fluid lines,
directional range shifting linkage and shifting arms.
a. It is not necessary to remove the transmission
d. Remove upright assembly.
in order to remove axle ends. Drain the axle
adaptor if the transmission is not to be removed.
e. Through opening in converter housing, remove
5/16 inch bolts securing torque converter assembly
b . Refer to figure 5-84 for parts identification
to the engine flywheel.
and proceed as follows:
c. Remove axle end capscrews and washers.
It will be necessary to rotate engine flywheel
Remove axle end stud nuts and washers.
to make these bolts accessible.
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