![]() n. Pull the camshaft forward, out
oil seal. If the seal running surface of
of the crankcase, very carefully to
the wear sleeve is grooved or damaged,
avoid scratching the camshaft lobes
the wear sleeve must be replaced to pre-
vent oil leakage past the front oil seal.
and bearing journals.
e. If it's necessary to replace the wear
o. Remove the timing gear backing
plate as shown in figure 5-41.
s l e e v e , remove it by tapping with a ham-
mer, by heating, or by careful use of a
p. Clean and inspect all parts in
rounded, blunt chisel. If is not neces-
accordance with the general instru-
sary to cut the wear sleeve completely
to remove it.
ctions at the beginning of this
f. To install a new wear sleeve, remove
q. Refer to Table S for maxium wear
all dirt and oil from the seating surface.
limits to determine serviceability
Coat the shaft surface with a liquid seal-
ant or gasket cement.
of used parts.
r. Replace any parts that appear
g. Press wear sleeve into position (.590"-
,610" from end of hub) with an installation
danaged or worn beyond allowable
tool. Do not hammer on the thin edge of the
sleeve for it may become warped or out
of round.
h. Remove excess sealant from the wear sle-
a. Prior to camshaft installation
eve edges. None should be left on the finish-
make certain that all lifters are in
ed working surface or seal leakage may result.
place and blocked up out of position
i. The installation tool for the National
This easily accomplished by invert-
ing the engine on the bench as shown
wear sleeve is simple and inexpensive to make.
in figure 5-40.
Use an "0" ring to avoid damage to the finish
of the sleeve, the tool is used to press-fit
b. Install timing gear backing
the sleeve onto the shaft. (Refer to Fig. 5-37)
j. Refer to figure 5-36 for general parts
c. Oil the camshaft bearing journ-
identification and proceed to remove the
als with a light film of clean oil,
timing gear cover.
and install the camshaft into the
k. Removal of timing gear cover will expose
cylinder block.
timing gears as shown in figure 5-37.
d. As the camshaft is nearly seated
rotate the camshaft gear to bring it
1. Remove the camshaft thrust plunger and
spring as shown in figure
into proper time with the crankshaft
and idler gears. See figure 5-43 for
m. For camshaft removal, the lifters must
gear timing.
be blocked up in the raised position, or
e. Dip all parts in oil before in-
stalling and oil idler shaft.
f. Install spacer on shaft so it
seats flush with surface of crank-
The engine can be inverted on the
bench as shown in figure 5-40 to
hold the lifters off the camshaft
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