.001" per inch of diameter
1. Cylinder sleeve bore wear
.0005" per inch of piston travel
Cylinder sleeve bore - maximum
taper (after ridge removal and honing)
.0005" per inch of diameter - measure at skirt
3. Piston diameter wear
and above pin
.001" total wear
4. Piston pin diameter wear
Piston pin bore wear and pin bushing wear
.0005" per inch of diameter
A. In piston
.0005" per inch of diameter
B. In rod
6. Journal clearance
.0005" per inch of diameter over high limit
A. Main and connecting rods
7. Crankshaft
.0004" per inch of diameter
A. Main journal maximum out-of-round
2 times allowable taper of new shaft
B. Main journal maximum taper
.0004" per inch of diameter
C. Connecting rod journal maximum
2 times allowable taper of new shaft
D. Connecting rod journal maximum taper
.005" over high limit
E. End play
.0005" per inch diameter under the low limit
8. Camshaft - minimum journal diameter
.0005" per inch diameter over the high limit
A. Bushing I. D.
.010" over high limit
B. End play
9 . Valves
.001" total wear
A. Minimum stem diameter
.0015" total wear
Valve guide - maximum I. D.
Original width + 15%
11. Valve seat maximum width
Piston rings must be replaced if they have been disturbed after 50 hours of operation.
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