![]() Figure 5-2. Welding Repair of Fork Assembly
in hermetically sealed containers, and must have
and preparation instruction herein applies also to
s t o r a g e care normal to their type. If containers
MIG or TIG welding.
have been opened for electrodes to become
exposed to normal (and above) atmospheric
humidity, the electrodes should be oven baked at
700 F. for 1 hour, minimum.
a. In natural ambient temperatures of 60 F. or
less, the machine (or component) should be "room
d. L.H. electrodes which have been in water
soaked" o v e r n i g h t i n 7 0 F . ( + ) t o e q u a t e a
should be scrapped.
preheat. If this is impossible, the weld zone (area
6" to 10" each side) should be preheated to a
l00oF. before welding. This
e. Remove only enough electrodes from the
minimum of
container to perform the immediate job. Open
m i n i m u m temperature should be maintained on
containers should be stored in heated storage
the heat zone of each joint until that joint is
containers held at 200 to 300 F.
f. Clark Equipment employs little or no TIG
b. Repair of forks, hangers and guides require a
production welding at the Industrial Truck
preheat of 150 to 250F. Thermal sticks may be
Division (ITD).
used to check these weld heat-affected zones.
Tempil sticks are available from welding suppliers
i n 50 increments from l00 o F. through 2200 F.
g. Clark Equipment (ITD) employs MIG welding
extensively in production welding. Due to its
Welding repair of fork proper is not recommended.
n a t u r e however, the welding instruction herein
( r e p a i r , as opposed to production welding) will
c . All cracks in the damaged area, or in areas
deal only with stick electrodes. The precautionary
listed in paragraph 5-14 above, must be
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