b. Fill fuel tank at the end of the day to expel
3-49. Operators of trucks used in extremely dusty
conditions should check the air cleaner and
3-47. In tropical areas, if paint is chipped, or
hydraulic sump breather daily to insure that
scratched, the affected area should be refinished
e x c e s s i v e build-up of dust or dirt, which would
i m m e d i a t e l y to prevent rapid formation of rust.
r e s t r i c t air flow, is not permitted. Lubrication
Remove all loose paint with paint remover,
service intervals for all items should be reduced to
sandpaper, or sandblasting equipment. Apply two
one-half the normal period, or as short as 50 hours,
coats of red lead primer and, when dry, apply
depending upon the severity of the service.
finishing coat of paint.
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