![]() Because the size of the power jet
(20) and the position of the
power adjusting needle (18)
restrict the amount of fuel which
can enter the nozzle (14), the
fuel in the accelerating well
(16) will soon be exhausted and
air will then enter through the
nozzle air bleeds (15) to mix
with the fuel passing through the
that can enter into the nozzle
(14) is limited by the size of
the nozzle air vent (21).
The result of air bleeding into
the nozzle (14) is, to help
atomize or break up the fuel into
finer particles, to regulate the
quantity and rate of discharge of
fuel fed from the accelerating
we11 (16), during acceleration,
and to provide correct mixture
proportions for full throttle
As the throttle valve is opened toward
the wide open position the velocity
through the venturi (17) continues to
the nozzle (14) and resulting in
additional fuel being supplied to the
engine as the speed is increased.
The amount of fuel supplied to an engine
is controlled by the size of the power
When the throttle valve (6) is opened
jet, the position of the power adjusting
suddenly from slow or just off slow
needle, and the difference in air
idle position, the fuel stored in the
pressure between the fuel bowl chamber
accelerating well (16) is forced out
and the venturi. However, in many
through the nozzle air bleeds (15) very
engines the mixture must be leaned out
rapidly and serves to provide the extra
additionally during part throttle
richness required by the engine to meet
operation to obtain maximum economy. To
the sudden load.
When the throttle
provide this leaner mixture Marvel-
valve (6) is closed, fuel again fills
Schebler Tractor and industrial
the accelerating we11 (16), ready for
C a r b u r e t o r s m a k e u s e o f t h e "B a c k
the next acceleration.
S u c t i o n E c o n o m i z e r S y s t e m ". W i t h t h i s
method of metering fuel, air pressure
in the fuel bowl chamber is regulated
and controlled according to load
conditions by a combination of bowl vent
and economizer passages communicating
with throttle bore of the carburetor.
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