![]() As the throttle valve (6) is opened
As this rich mixture of fuel and air
emerges from the primary idle orifice
still wider, the idle fuel delivery
(7) it is reduced to correct proportions
begins to fade out, however, the
by the air which passes around the
throttle valve at this point is far
throttle valve (6) since this valve
enough open for the power fuel feed
system to begin functioning.
engine to idle. The resultant mixture
is correct for operating engine at idle
The idle system is the most positive
speed, provided the idle adjusting
and satisfactory of idle systems, as it
needle (13) is properly adjusted.
is working under very high suction and
the mixture flows through the small
As the throttle valve (6) is slowly
passages and orifices at very high
opened from the slow idle position it
velocities. It is necessary to bear in
gradually subjects the secondary idle
mind, however, that there are times when
orifice (8) to intake manifold vacuum,
these small holes may become plugged
and the secondary idle orifice (8) no
with particles of dirt or foreign
longer bleeds air to the idle fuel
matter and will require cleaning. At
passage (10) but feeds an additional
such times the passages, jets, and
small drilled holes should only be
quantity of fuel into the engine. This
cleaned with a cleaning fluid such as
is proper since the throttle valve is
now open wider and w i l l a d m i t a g r e a t e r
gasoline and air under pressure. Never
amount of air to b l e n d w i t h t h i s
use drills or wires as a change in size
additional fuel to maintain the correct
of these small openings will change the
p r o p o r t i o n s o f f u e l and air for the
entire calibration of the carburetor.
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