![]() 1-11.
1-12. FRAME. The truck frame is of unitized
1-2. This manual provides operation, main-
welded construct ion, and incorporates the body,
tenance, and repair instructions for the
Model C500-Y45 Fork, Lift Truck, manufactured
the fuel tank, the hydraulic fluid reservoir,
by Clark Equipment Company, Industrial Truck
and provides the mounting facilities for the
Division, Battle Creek, Michigan 49016.
engine and drive line, the steering axle, and
the upright and carriage assembly.
ENGINE ASSEMBLY. The engine assembly
1 - 4 . The fork lift truck (herinafter referred
consists of the basic engine and its assoc-
iated accessories, which comprise the fuel
to as the truck) is designed for use in ware-
housing, storage, and shipping operations;
system, cooling system, ignition system, and
a n d is used for lifting, loading, stacking,
exhaust system.
and moving cargo pallets, crates, boxes, and
packaged materials.
Throughout this manual the terms right, left,
` ront, and rear, with respect to the engine
and truck, indicate directions from the view-
1-6. The truck (See Figure l-l) is a gasoline
point of the operator when sitting in the seat
engine driven vehicle, designed for high
of the truck.
maneuverability and ease of operation in con-
fined areas. The truck is outfitted with a
1-14. The engine is an in-line, four cylinder,
two-speed automatic transmission with HI
liquid-cooled, gasoline engine which developes
& LO range shift, pneumatic rubber tires,
power steering, and hydraulic brakes.
52 horsepower at 2350 RPM. Accessories mounted
to the engine and normally considered a part
1-7. The truck will operate efficiently on
of the complete engine, are the alternator,
starting motor, distributor, coil, fuel pump,
well surfaced gravel yards or on sol id floors,
governor, coolant fan, water pump and thermostat.
runways, etc. Top speed approximately 12
MPH empty.
1-8. Maximum load capacity is 4000 pounds,
assembly complete with mounts, radiator and
hose, and accessories used in conjunction
with the load center of gravity at 24 inches
from the heel of the forks. The maximum
with the torque converter, automatic trans-
mission, and drive axle assembly from an
fork height (loaded) is 149 inches. Refer
t o Figure l-l for detailed specifications.
integrated unit referred to as the "engine
and unitized drive line."
1-9. The truck is powered by gasoline
engine, which provides power to the drive
1-16. TORQUE CONVERTER. The purpose of the
torque converter is to multiply the torque
wheels through a two speed forward and
or twisting force of the engine to the trans-
reverse automatic transmission and torque
miss ion. The amount of load or aresistance
converter. The transmission, torque con-
applied to the output shaft of the torque
verter, axle differential and axle end
adapters are assembled together and mounted
converter determines the extent to which engine
input torque is multiplied. There is no multi-
directly to the engine, forming a rigid,
plication of torque when the load can be moved
unitized drive line.
with the amount of torque being produced by
1-10. Carriage lift and tilt functions are
the engine.
accomplished by hydraulic cylinders. Act ion
o f the lift and tilt cylinders is controlled
by valves which are manually operated through
levers on the instrumnet panel. Hydraulic
fluid pressure for Cylinder operation is
provided by a hydraulic pump mounted on the
engine, and gear driven from the engine.
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