![]() TM 10-3930-644-14&P
stick, tap body on a piece of wood to prevent
marring mating surfaces. Place bushings on
The hydraulic pump (Fig 1-1) is a gear type unit driven
clean rag to prevent damaging surfaces.
directly from the engine. With this type of installation,
the pump is always driven at engine speed.
If the front bushings are excessively
The hydraulic pump consists of a housing, a combination
tight and difficult to remove, it
end plate and mounting flange, gears, seals, bushings
indicates operation with dirty oil.
and capscrews. The housing also contains bores for the
priority flow control valve, and the priority flow relief
5. Set pump body face-up and remove drive shaft
and idler shaft.
The relief valve pressure setting can be adjusted by
6. Invert pump body and allow rear set of bushings
turning the setscrew, located in the end of relief
to slide out. See Step 4.
assembly, in or out. Turning the setscrew IN increases
the spring pressure on the cone to increase the relief
7. Remove the relief port plug and remove the
pressure setting, while turning the setscrew OUT will
relief valve components, laying them out in their
decrease the relief pressure.
order of removal.
When the hydraulic pump must be removed for
8. Remove plug from rear of body and take out
replacement or repair, the following procedure is
steering spool and spring.
9. Wash parts in solvent, blow dry
compressed air and inspect for damage.
1. Remove radiator grille and components
necessary to gain access to hydraulic pump.
1. Check bushing bores near the front of the
housing, using a 2" inside micrometer. If bores
measure over 1.770, discard the pump body.
On truck applications where the
This indicates pump has been subjected to
hydraulic oil reservoir is below the
excessive pressures, and the system should be
supply line connection at the pump, it
checked to determine the cause.
will not be necessary to drain the
reservoir. Check reservoir to see if
2. Measure depth of grooves cut by the gears. If
oil level is above or below the pump.
deeper than .005", it results in reduced flow of
If it is above the pump, oil will flow
hydraulic oil. The gear track should have a
out of the supply (suction) line, when
smooth texture radially and should be darker
it is removed from the pump.
color than the rest of the body. If it has a
2. Disconnect hoses from fittings on hydraulic
sandpaper like texture, and a light gray or silvery
pump, and cap hoses to prevent contamination.
color (when dry), it indicates pump has been
running on dirty or foamy oil. Flush hydraulic
3. Remove capscrews and lockwashers attaching
system before installing clean oil, and if puma
pump bracket to the engine and remove pump
body is to be reused, hone the face flat with a
fine stone and clean thoroughly; use a fine
sandpaper to remove any burrs left inside the
4. Place the hydraulic puma assembly in a suitable
work area for service.
3. Inspect the shaft seals in the end plate, and if
they are not damaged or have not been leaking,
they can be reused.
Place a straightedge
1. Thoroughly clean outside of pump.
across the machined surface that faces the
pump body. If the flange is bowed, do not
2. Remove capscrews which attach mounting
flange to pump body. Remove flange.
3. Remove all accessible O Rings and backup
Bowing of flange is caused by
excessive pressures, and the cause
4. Turn pump over, holding one hand over the front
reinstalling the pump.
bushings and let them slide out. If bushings
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