![]() TM 10-3930-644-14&P
2. Remove neutral start switch.
2. Replace pressure regulator valve spool, spring,
gasket and end cap.
3. Remove screws and remove valve body cover.
(See Figure 4-1).
3. Install small spring in inching control spool, then
replace spool and large spring. Replace the
4. Remove capscrews at the front of separator
inching control plunger by pushing in against
plate and remove plate and gasket.
plunger, then releasing after anchoring plunger
with plunger stop.
5. Remove the spring, detent ball and retainer from
the valve body at the selector valve spool.
4. Install the selector valve spool.
6. Remove the selector valve spool.
5. Replace the selector valve detent ball, spring
and retainer.
7. Remove the inching control plunger by first
removing the lock-clip and seal, then the springs
6. Install lube pressure valve and spring in
and the spool from the inching control valve.
converter regulator valve bore. Install valve stop
Note small spring in spool.
plate through bottom of valve.
8. Remove the cap at the pressure regulator valve
7. Install plug, pressure regulator valve, spring and
and remove the spring and spools from valve
end cap.
9. Remove the cap at the clutch valve, and remove
Ensure that all plungers and spools
the spring and spool from valve body.
operate freely and that the inching
control plunger retainer is installed
10. Remove the cap from the converter regulator
with the angled edges facing towards
valve and remove spring, valve and plug.
the rear of the valve body.
11. Remove valve stop plate through the bottom of
8. Install new gasket and replace the separator
the valve. Remove spring and lube pressure
plate and capscrews.
valve through converter regulator valve bore.
9. Install the cover and secure with capscrews.
12. Clean all parts with an acceptable solvent and
dry with compressed air. Blow out all passages
10. Install neutral start switch in valve.
in valve body.
11. Remove protective covering over exposed area
13. Check plungers and spools for score marks; if
of transmission, then install new gasket.
possible, clean up with crocus cloth. If badly
scored, replace.
12. Replace valve control assembly on transmission
housing, install capscrews and torque to 5 - 10
14. Check springs
ft. lbs.
15. Replace all oil seals, seal rings and gaskets.
Do not torque capscrews more than
10 ft. lbs.
13. Connect tube as sembly to valve. Connect wires
1. Install dump clutch supply spool and spring,
to neutral start switch.
gasket and end cap.
14. Install floor plate.
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