![]() TM 10-3930-644-14&P
operating noise at a low level, but because of the danger
of randomly escaping gas.
The purpose of the exhaust system is to safely and
quietly channel the exhaust gases from the engine to the
rear of the truck where the gases are vented into the air.
The following components make up the typical exhaust
1. Inspect muffler and exhaust and tail pipes
system, the exhaust pipe, muffler, tail pipe and the
carefully for any holes, fractures or corrosion.
attaching capscrew and clamp hardware items (Figures
Replace. defective component immediately.
1-1, 1-2, and 1-3).
2. Inspect each component juncture for security
After combustion has occurred within the engine, the
and tightness of connection.
exhaust gases are released from the combustion
chamber via the exhaust valves. From here, the gases
3. Ensure that all components of exhaust system
are channeled through the exhaust manifold to the
are properly clamped to the truck frame.
attaching exhaust pipe.
The exhaust pipe carries the gases to the muffler which
is so constructed as to greatly reduce the engine
When it becomes necessary to replace any or all or the
combustion noises and to entrap any glowing particles
exhaust system components, the following procedure is
that might be suspended in exhaust gas.
The exhaust gases leave the muffler and are vented at
1. Remove left hand side engine panel and raise
the rear end of the truck via the tail pipe.
left side of truck to gain access to muffler
location. ACP Series require removal of rear
It is very important that the exhaust system remains tight
and in good repair not only to keep
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