![]() TM 10-3930-644-14 & P
4. Accelerator Rod (PRT only).
accelerator rod return spring from spring clip.
Remove nuts and lockwashers from all joints at
1. Accelerator Shaft. Place mounting blocks on
accelerator lever and throttle lever and remove
shaft, separated by a washer.
accelerator rod. Ball joints can be removed from
Move one mounting block and washer towards
accelerator rod by loosening Jam nuts and
pedal end of shaft and install roll pin near center
turning ball joints off. The spring clip can be
of shaft. Place accelerator lever on shaft and
removed by removing one of the jam nuts.
secure with roll pin. Install shaft assembly on
front panel by securing mounting blocks with
5. Accelerator Cable (PRT). Remove Cable return
capscrews and lockwashers. After installation,
spring from spring clip. Remove "E" rings to
make sure shaft moves freely.
disconnect cable (Fig 5-2) from lever and
bracket. remove cotter pins and yoke pins and
2. Shaft Roller. When installing accelera-
disconnect cable from accelerator lever and
carburetor. Remove accelerator cable return
spring from spring clip.
Remove nuts and
lockwashers from all joints at accelerator lever
and throttle lever and remove cable. Ball Joints
can be removed from cable by loosening jam
nuts and turning ball joints off. The spring clip
can be removed by removing one of the jam
Figure 5-2. Accelerator and Linkage (Type II)
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