![]() TM 10-3930-644-14&P
3. Positioning, Stacking, and Unloading
a. Drive the loaded lift truck to the stacking
b. if possible, position the truck squarely in
front of the stock pile.
c. Check all low-hanging obstructions. Raise
the load with the mast tilted slightly each
(Fig 4-12).
Figure 4-13. Unpalletized Load Handling
c. Tilt the load slightly back.
d. To stack Unpalletized loads, position the
truck squarely in front of the stock pile.
Raise forks to proper level with the mast
tilted back.
Figure 4-12. Stacking and Positioning
e. Position load squarely over the stock pile,
d. With the load elevated, move the truck
then lower the forks slowly until they rest
slowly forward and position the load
on the stock.
squarely over the stock pile.
f. Tilt the load slightly forward and begin to
e. Stack loads squarely and evenly to make
back the truck.
Proceed carefully to
use of al' available space.
prevent damage to the load.
Stock piles should always be stable to
g. Withdraw the forks from the stack and
avoid injury to personnel and damage to
lower them to within 2-inches of the floor.
equipment or stock.
f. Tilt the mast forward to vertical position
and lower the load slowly into position.
To bring the truck to a safe, smooth stop, apply gradual
pressure on foot brake pedal. When parking, pull back
g. Back lift truck slowly away from load to
hand brake lever, place shift lever in neutral, and lower
withdraw the forks.
forks to floor.
h. With the forks clear of the stock pile, lower
Allow the engine to idle for a few minutes before turning
them to within 2-inches of ground level
off ignition switch; this allows ft to cool gradually. Too
before proceeding.
rapid cooling of an extremely hot engine may warp
valves or even crack the manifold. After idling for a short
4. Unpalletized Loads
while, turn ignition key to OFF position. Key should
Special attachments are often used to handle
always be removed from the ignition switch to prevent
Unpalletized loads. If these attachments are not
unauthorized use of the truck.
available and the load must be stacked or
moved, proceed as follows:
Refer to the following Paragraph
a. Tilt the forts forward so their ties contact
explanation of each inspection.
the floor (r'9 4-13).
b. As carefully as possible, insert forks under
the load until the load is contacted by the
Steer Axle Stops
vertical fork faces
Overhead Guard
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